3 years, and a facelift later…

Technology is not my strong point.  Five years ago I started a blog about my life as a perpetual ex-pat.  It was very therapeutic, but it ran it’s course.  Now, three years after my final entry, I have realised that what the world really needs is another running blog.

Most people would figure out how to start a second blog from the same account, or just create a new account.  I am not most people.  Instead, I have just changed the title, theme and ‘about’ section and am calling this my NEW blog.  So if you are here to read about running, don’t bother reading any pre-2016 posts – except maybe January 20, 2013.  That is the blog in which I introduce myself as the average, ordinary recreational runner, who in no way puts ridiculous expectations on her self, and is absolutely not at all competitive.

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